Archive for 8 April, 2010

Productive day

8 April, 2010

It was a very productive day today and one which I will be paying for in the days to come with sore muscles and all. It was really nice to have gotten so many things done today and none of them were things that I necessarily ‘had’ to do.

LiDo woke up at about 3am which wasn’t surprising since I was awake as well at that time. I swear that if I wake up for any reason, he is soon to follow. It is very strange and I can’t remember when this hasn’t been happening. Anyway, I brought him into our bed and laid down with him and he soon fell back asleep. I was able to get back to sleep as well which was nice but then we both woke up again at 5am, then really up at 7:30am. He’s so funny when he wakes up – he goes from completely asleep to sitting straight up and pointing at things and talking about them and asking questions. This morning, I was ready for it and enjoyed it more than I have for quite a while. I think it is because I went to bed at 10 instead of my much later time as of late.

We got up, went for breakfast at Leslie’s and then headed to the lawn and plant store. I was looking for a nice jasmine plant because the one I had bought Doug, bit it on the move out here. Unfortunately they didn’t have any yet but I did end up with flowers for the window boxes, hostas for the side yard, a couple of potted plants and a hanging basket for the sunroom. The shopping was interesting…what I ended up with…I kept picking things up that had things in their name which reminded me of Doug. I didn’t realize it until I got thing into the cart…like the Astoria blooms for the window boxes – we had a great birthday celebration in Astoria…And the hostas – the same we had at our old house…the oregano and lavender and rosemary – all things we had at our place in Portland. Actually, I think I was at the lavender farm on Sauvie Island when Doug died.

All of them were purchased and most things were planted. The lawn was mowed – I’ll tell that story later. The branches that came down the other day in the storm were picked up. The little car I got LiDo was partially put together as well as the sand and water table for him. Dirt was put along the area where I want to build up beds in the backyard and lay down some paving stones…but I need a lot more dirt to finish it. The grill isn’t put together yet but I have tomorrow prior to 5pm to start and finish that project.

LiDo loved being outside most of the day and waved at every helicopter that flew overhead. He heard one and I thought that it was just a mower going on the next street and told him that this is what I thought and after he gave me one of his ‘looks’, pointed at the roof of the house and then smiled when a helicopter flew over – I knew I had been proved very wrong by a 19 month old and that he knows his helicopter sounds!

It was good to be busy all day. LiDo I think really enjoyed the day. I took my time with him as well and just enjoyed him more and didn’t feel rushed to do things. He seemed happier, didn’t scream as much as he has been lately and smiled a lot more just like he used to.

Well, it is 10. I’m off to bed. We are heading to see a preview of STOMP tomorrow afternoon with a friend and her little boy. Then it is back to finish the grill and get some of the yard stuff that I need in order to finish things that I started today…